I am creating an instant messaging system using Paho Android MQTT Client. Its implementation works as expected, however I am facing these errors.
I call the Connection Class
( This also calls for the creation of the connection to the broker) in the onCreate
of the MainActivity Class
Now the problem is that, assuming I am on the MainActivity Class
and I press back to move from the MainActivity Class
to another activity, and I later come back to the MainActivity Class
, another broker connection will be created. This will mean that anytime a single message is published, the client will receive the message twice.
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(R.id.toolbar);
dbHelper = DatabaseManager.getInstance(context);
//mRecyclerView = (RecyclerView) findViewById(R.id.history_recycler_view);
connections = new Connections();
public void onDestroy() {
System.out.println("LOG: Service destroyed");
public class Connection {
public void createConnectionForPublishing (final Context context) {
//Instantiate the mqtt android client class
mqttAndroidClient = new MqttAndroidClient (context.getApplicationContext (), serverUri, clientId);
mqttAndroidClient.setCallback (new MqttCallbackExtended () {
public void connectComplete(boolean reconnect, String serverURI) {
if (reconnect) {
System.out.println ("Reconnected to : " + serverURI);
} else {
System.out.println ("Connected to: " + serverURI);
public void connectionLost (Throwable cause) {
System.out.println ("The Connection was lost.");
public void messageArrived (String topic, final MqttMessage message) throws Exception {
System.out.println ("Message received and Arrived");
public void deliveryComplete (IMqttDeliveryToken token) {
System.out.println("Message Delivered");
final MqttConnectOptions mqttConnectOptions = new MqttConnectOptions ();
mqttConnectOptions.setMqttVersion (MqttConnectOptions.MQTT_VERSION_3_1_1);
mqttConnectOptions.setAutomaticReconnect (true);
mqttConnectOptions.setCleanSession (false);
try {
mqttAndroidClient.connect (mqttConnectOptions, null, new IMqttActionListener () {
public void onSuccess (IMqttToken asyncActionToken) {
System.out.println ("BROKER CONNECTED");
DisconnectedBufferOptions disconnectedBufferOptions = new DisconnectedBufferOptions ();
disconnectedBufferOptions.setBufferEnabled (true);
disconnectedBufferOptions.setBufferSize (100);
disconnectedBufferOptions.setPersistBuffer (false);
disconnectedBufferOptions.setDeleteOldestMessages (false);
//mqttAndroidClient.setBufferOpts (disconnectedBufferOptions);
public void onFailure (IMqttToken asyncActionToken, Throwable exception) {
System.out.println ("Failed to connect to: " + serverUri);
} catch (MqttException ex) {
ex.printStackTrace ();
// ...
I am new to MQTT, I would be glad if somebody can help. Thanks in advance