Given draws from a rnorm
, and cutoff c
I want my plot to use the following colors:
- Red for the section that is to the left of
- Blue for the section in between
- and Green for the section that is to the right of
For example, if my data is:
mydata <- rnorm(1000, 0, 2)
c <- 1
I want to plot something like this:
But if my data is all to the right of c
the whole plot should be green. Similarly, if all is between -c
and c
or to the left of -c
the plot should be all red or blue.
This is the code I wrote:
MinD <- min(mydata)
MaxD <- max(mydata)
df.plot <- data.frame(density = mydata)
case <- dplyr::case_when((MinD < 0 & MaxD >0) ~ "L_and_R",
(MinD > 0) ~ "R",
(MaxD < 0) ~ "L")
case <- dplyr::case_when((MinD < -c & MaxD >c) ~ "ALL",
(MinD > -c & MaxD > c) ~ "Center_and_R",
(MinD > -c & MaxD <c) ~ "Center",
(MinD < -c & MaxD < c) ~ "Center_and_L",
MaxD < -c ~ "L",
MaxD > c ~ "R")
# Draw the Center
if(case %in% c("ALL", "Center_and_R", "Center", "Center_and_L")){
ds <- density(df.plot$density, from = -c, to = c)
ds_data_Center <- data.frame(x = ds$x, y = ds$y, section="Center")
} else{
ds_data_Center <- data.frame(x = NA, y = NA, section="Center")
# Draw L
if(case %in% c("ALL", "Center_and_L", "L", "L_and_R")){
ds <- density(df.plot$density, from = MinD, to = -c)
ds_data_L <- data.frame(x = ds$x, y = ds$y, section="L")
} else{
ds_data_L <- data.frame(x = NA, y = NA, section="L")
# Draw R
if(case %in% c("ALL", "Center_and_R", "R", "L_and_R")){
ds <- density(df.plot$density, from = c, to = MaxD)
ds_data_R <- data.frame(x = ds$x, y = ds$y, section="R")
} else{
ds_data_R <- data.frame(x = NA, y = NA, section="R")
L_Pr <- round(mean(mydata < -c),2)
Center_Pr <- round(mean((mydata>-c & mydata<c)),2)
R_Pr <- round(mean(mydata > c),2)
filldf <- data.frame(section = c("L", "Center", "R"),
Pr = c(L_Pr, Center_Pr, R_Pr),
fill = c("red", "blue", "green")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(section = as.character(section))
ds_data <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::bind_rows(ds_data_L, ds_data_R)) %>%
dplyr::full_join(filldf, by = "section") %>% filter(Pr!=0) %>%
dplyr::full_join(filldf, by = "section") %>% mutate(section = ordered(section, levels=c("L","R")))
ds_data <- ds_data[order(ds_data$section), ] %>%
filter(Pr!=0) %>%
ds_data <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::bind_rows(ds_data_Center, ds_data_L, ds_data_R)) %>%
dplyr::full_join(filldf, by = "section") %>% mutate(section = ordered(section, levels=c("L","Center","R")))
ds_data <- ds_data[order(ds_data$section), ] %>%
filter(Pr!=0) %>%
fillScale <- scale_fill_manual(name = paste0("c = ", c, ":"),
values = as.character(unique(ds_data$fill)))
p <- ggplot(data = ds_data, aes(x=x, y=y, fill=Pr)) +
geom_area() + fillScale
Alas, I cannot figure out how to assign the colors to the different sections while keeping the percentages as labels for the colors.