I looking for code which can create a custom page. The code must include all hooks and I should moderate the "home" hook and put my content there...
Anything is helpful - sample code for example, tutorials, documentations or something.
Best regards,
The standard way (for PS1.5 & PS1.6) is to make a controller
Another way (not recommended) is to make a file like this wher you include the header/your content/the footer
global $smarty;
include( '../../config/config.inc.php' );
include( '../../header.php' );
$smarty->display( dirname(__FILE__) . '/mymodule_page.tpl' );
include( '../../footer.php' );
what you need to do is save this file in you module folder like newcustompage.php
and then make some link in your .tpl point to it
<a href="{$modules_dir}yourmodulefolder/newcustompage.php">Click this!</a>
Prestashop Developer Guide
Try look at:
How to create a custom page -> http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/52650-how-to-add-a-custom-page/
How to create hooks in your page -> http://www.smaizys.com/prestashop/how-to-create-custom-prestashop-hook/
I hope this helps you. Kind regards