var query = from ch in Client.wcf.context.CashHeading
where ch.Id_customer == customern//cc.Id
from cs in Client.wcf.context.Cash
where cs.Id_cashheading == ch.Id
from gg in Client.wcf.context.Good
where gg.Id == cs.Id_good
select gg.Price.Value;
I'm getting inner error processing it:
Error translating Linq expression to URI: Can only specify query
options (orderby, where, take, skip) after last navigation.
I can't understand why, full sources Here, on GitHub
Basically, you have to condense your where clause into a single where clause after all of the navigations (from
) have been performed, like so:
var query =
from ch in Client.wcf.context.CashHeading
from cs in Client.wcf.context.Cash
from gg in Client.wcf.context.Good
ch.Id_customer == customern && //cc.Id
cs.Id_cashheading == ch.Id &&
gg.Id == cs.Id_good
select gg.Price.Value;
Granted, this doesn't seem optimal, as it would seem that it's going to do cross join all of the tables and then perform the filtering, but remember, you're probably dealing with IQueryable<T>
interface implementations, meaning that this will more than likely be interpreted and then optimized by whatever handles the translated queries.