Truncate UILabel text before 5 character of string

2019-07-26 23:57发布


Is it possible to truncate the UILabel text before 5 character of string in autolayout based on the screen size and different device orientation ex.

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I know there are several lineBreakMode possible for UILabel like .byTruncatingTail, .byTruncatingMiddle etc. but nothing is working for my case. Any suggestions will be appreciated.


Appreciate every once answers and comments above!

So finally I am able to finish it, which is working great in all devices of iPhone and iPad in landscape and portrait mode also split mode in iPad too!

So i would like to share my implementation here:

Step1: Create a TitleView.xib file.

Step2: Took Two Label's Name Label and Number Label.

Step3: Given the following constraints to both the labels:

  • Name Label Constraints:

  • Name Label Line Break : Truncate Tail:

  • Number Label Constraints:

Step4: Then load the xib in viewDidLoad method:

override func viewDidLoad() {
        let titleView = Bundle.main.loadNibNamed("TitleView", owner: self, options: nil)?[0] as! TitleView
        self.navigationItem.titleView = titleView


You can do what you're asking pretty elegantly by juggling string indexes. If you're planning to do this in a few places in your code, consider creating an extension on String, to make it easier to reuse. Also consider using an ellipsis () instead of just three periods.

extension String {

    func truncated(after count: Int) -> String {
        let truncateAfter = index(startIndex, offsetBy: count)
        guard endIndex > truncateAfter else { return self }
        return String(self[startIndex..<truncateAfter]) + "…"

Try it yourself