biztalk: using first node xml file to decide what

2019-07-26 23:14发布


I have a problem in my project i have to create orchestration and base o first node of xml file i have to decide what map will be use. Any idea how to do it? I try to use decide shape and in decide shape use xslt query to find first node equal particular node decide shape will send it to particular map. is that a good approach?


Another option that would use a receive location for each type of message would be to use a Listen shape in the orchestration. Each branch of the listen would be expecting a different message type (or root node as you put it) and you could apply the appropriate map. Then, assuming you are mapping to a canonical schema, the rest of the orchestration would be the same regardless of input message type.

In the image the orchestration is using a listen shape to listen for 3 types of message. It's mostly for replay-ability for when the orchestration fails at different stages, I can inject it back into the flow after a fix is made.


Here's some suggestions:

  1. If the schema can be resolved by the XmlDisassembler, the engine will apply the matching Map on the Receive Port automatically.
  2. If the number of different Maps is manageable, say 4 or 5, and very unlikely to change, then sure, the decide shape is a workable approach.
  3. Be sure to carefully examine the differences in the Maps. I've had times when the planners believed the maps were significantly more different then in reality. If the difference is a handful of differing codes or conditional fields, maybe one Map can handle all cases.

标签: xslt BizTalk