I am building an Interactive Voice Assistant using Twilio. My goal is to record parts of the conversation, process the recorded audio and
This is the answer to the /voice webhook (the one will receive Twilio's call)
<Record maxLength="10" action="/processing" recordingStatusCallback="/getRecording"></Record>
Processing the audio and providing an answer may take a long time, so I added a Pause at the end of /processing:
<Pause length="10"></Pause>
This is the answer when finished with /getRecording
<Record maxLength="10" action="/processing" recordingStatusCallback="/getRecording "></Record>
/welcome, /ok and /answer lead to corresponding audio files.
So I was able to execute all steps, I can check in my logs that /getRecording is actually executed to the end and the twiml sent back again, but the /answer after /getRecording is never executed by Twilio (and the call just ends).
Do you have any guidance for it? Does Twilio accept multiple recordings on the same call?
Note: For some reason, if instead of using the 'recordingStatusCallback' I use /getrecording as 'action' it does work... but then we wouldn't be sure the recording we are using is really generated, right?
Thank you for your help!