Android studio, import class disappear from gradle

2019-07-26 20:25发布


This is a little weird, I have a file:

apply plugin: ''

android {
    apply from: '../dev-tools/gradle/common-cyborg-app.gradle'

    defaultConfig {
        applicationId ""


when I add the following import:


the import just disappears.. really there is no other way to describe it. I've cleared caches and restarted, cleaned the project and nothing.

Every time I paste the line, after a few seconds it is "magically" gone...


Update so the accepted answer worked for a while (a day) and once studio crashed, it stopped working... I really don't know why and I wasted too much time on it that I don't really care, BUT I did manage to workaround the problem, take a look, I pass the filter from the app build.gradle file


Android Studio will remove unussed imports from your gradle files. When you paste it in you are not ussing that import so it removes it. Yea I know, it is silly.

What you should do is first use the class with fully classified name and then add import later.