BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 bgm->apply throws excepti

2019-07-26 19:17发布


I'm new to C++ and opencv and having difficulty running the background subtractor model. I'm using Visual Studio 2017 (VC++) and opencv 3.2.

I need to use BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 and it creates the model fine but throws exception when I pass it a new frame that is converted from an encoded image (because I'm using a USB3 camera that doesn't allow direct reading of frame by opencv) to cv::Mat. The code snippet is below

if (EncodeRawImage(pRawImage, &frameDesc, imageFormat, &pEncodedImage, &encodedImageSize) == SUCCESS) {
    // Convert current raw image to openCV Mat format for analysis
    auto store = gcnew cli::array<Byte>(encodedImageSize);
    System::Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal::Copy(IntPtr(pEncodedImage), store, 0, encodedImageSize);
    auto stream = gcnew System::IO::MemoryStream(store);

    System::Drawing::Bitmap^ bitmapFrame = safe_cast<System::Drawing::Bitmap ^> (Image::FromStream(stream));
    Mat imgBuf = Mat(bitmapFrame->Width, bitmapFrame->Height, CV_8U, pEncodedImage);
    Mat imgMat = imdecode(imgBuf, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);             

    bgm->apply(imgMat , fgMaskMOG);
    returnCode = 1;

The exception is

owner 0x0000023afa2a2ec0 Information not available, no symbols loaded for opencv_world320d.dll> cv::detail::PtrOwner *

stored 0x0000023afa29baa0 Information not available, no symbols loaded for opencv_world320d.dll> cv::BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 *

Even though the opencv320d.lib are linked properly and a few other basic opencv samples run for me in the same program (e.g., cv::subtract, cv::calcHist etc). I wonder if it because the image size is too large (4608x3288) and bitmpaFrame that I'm creating may have an issue?

Or if I'm trying to access image data in the stream/memory in a way that is not allowed?


Even though the Information not found string is still there when I do the breakpoint, I just found that the model was throwing exception because of large image size as I mentioned in my original question (4608x3288). I resizes the image (resize(newImageMat, newImageMat, cv::Size(1000, 1000 * newImageMat.rows / newImageMat.cols), INTER_LINEAR);) and the error is gone and the model learns and shows the result. The text maybe a Visual Studio bug since I was reading about a similar issue here