I am trying to figure out how to mock an imported properties function in Jest
This is my component AboutScreen.js
import React from 'react';
import { Constants, WebBrowser } from 'expo';
import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
const AboutScreen = () => {
return (
<Text testId={"t-and-c"} onPress={() => WebBrowser.openBrowserAsync('tcUrl')}>
Terms & conditions
export default AboutScreen;
My test in AboutScreen.test.js looks like below
import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import config from '../../config';
import AboutScreen from '../AboutScreen';
import { Constants, WebBrowser } from 'expo';
const { termsAndConditionsUrl, privacyPolicyUrl } = config;
jest.mock('expo', () => ({
Constants: {
manifest: {
version: '0.0.1',
releaseChannel: 'PROD',
WebBrowser: {
openBrowserAsync: jest.fn()
it('click on terms and conditions link', () => {
const mock = jest.spyOn(WebBrowser, 'openBrowserAsync');
mock.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve());
// above statement return 'Cannot spyOn on a primitive value; undefined given'
// WebBrowser.openBrowserAsync = jest.fn(); --> This returns `WebBroser undefined
const wrapper = shallow(<AboutScreen />);
wrapper.find({ testId: 't-and-c' }).simulate('click');
// expect(WebBrowser.openBrowserAsync).toHaveBeenCalledWith('tcUrl);
I was able to mock the Constants.manifest.version
but unable to figure out how to mock the function within the 'Browser` object.