Subscription in Orion Context Broker Fiware

2019-07-26 18:20发布


I try to send a subscription to my Orion Context Broker instance. I'm sending this JSON:

  "duration": "P1M",
  "reference": "",
  "notifyConditions": [
      "condValues": [
      "type": "ONTIMEINTERVAL"
  "entities": [
      "id": "1.0",
      "type": "Capsule",
      "isPattern": "false"
  "attributes": [

And I receive the next message:

      <reasonPhrase>Bad Request</reasonPhrase>
      <details>JSON Parse Error: <unspecified file>(1): invalid escape sequence</details>

I put all attributes that it is using in the documentation. But in the webinar Orion Context Broker Webinar - Demo part 2 I can see other attribute called Throttling, but I don't see in the documentation.

What I'm doing bad?

Thanks in advance.


I have tested with your request (copy-pasted) and this is the result (with Orion 0.17.0).

Command (you can check that the payload is exactly the one you used):

(curl localhost:1026/v1/subscribeContext -s -S --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d @- | python -mjson.tool) <<EOF
  "duration": "P1M",
  "reference": "",
  "notifyConditions": [
      "condValues": [
      "type": "ONTIMEINTERVAL"
  "entities": [
      "id": "1.0",
      "type": "Capsule",
      "isPattern": "false"
  "attributes": [


    "subscribeResponse": {
        "duration": "P1M", 
        "subscriptionId": "5489e0bfe5007d3271ab5a61"

Thus, my test was ok so I tend to think that the problem is related with encoding and it is not shown in your question post, e.g. the usage of (wrong) intead of " and things like that.

EDIT: another common source of problems is using script files containing the curl request to CB in "DOS text" (typically due to the usage of DOS/Windows text editors). This can be easility detected if you run file and get the following ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators

instead of the following ASCII text

The solution is quite simple: transform the file to "Unix text", for example using the dos2unix command line tool.