Migrating from MongoDB to HBase

2019-07-26 16:28发布


Hi I am very new to HBase database. I downloaded some twitter data and stored into MongoDB. Now I need to transform that data into HBase to speed-up Hadoop processing. But I am not able to create it's scheme. Here I have twitter data into JSON format-

"_id" : ObjectId("512b71e6e4b02a4322d1c0b0"),
"id" : NumberLong("306044618179506176"),
"source" : "<a href=\"http://www.facebook.com/twitter\" rel=\"nofollow\">Facebook</a>",
"user" : {
    "name" : "Dada Bhagwan",
    "location" : "India",
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    "id" : 191724440,
    "protected" : false,
    "timeZone" : null,
    "description" : "Founder of Akram Vignan - Practical Spiritual Science of Self Realization",
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"inReplyToStatusId" : -1,
"text" : "Spiritual Quote of the Day :\n\n‘I am Chandubhai’ is an illusion itself and from that are \nkarmas charged. When... http://t.co/gR1GohGjaj",
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Here how to divide data into columns and column-family? I thought to make one "twitter" column-family that contain source, getlocation, place, retweet etc... and another "user" column-family and that contain name, location etc... (user's data). i.e new column family for each inner level sub-document.

Is this approach is correct? Now How I will differentiate urlentity for "user" column-family and "twitter" column-family?

And how to handle those keys that contain list of sub-documents (for e.g. urlentity)


There are many ways to model this in HBase ranging from storing everything in a single column to having a different table for each sub entity with several other tables for "indexing".

Generally speaking you model the data in hbase based on you read and write access patterns. fo r example column family are stored in different files on disk. A reason to divide data into two column families is if there are a lot of cases where you need data from one and not the other. etc.

There's a good presentation about HBAse schema design by Ian Varley from HBaseCon 2012 you can find the slides here and the video here