The matching element looks like that:
"_id": {
"$oid": "519ebd1cef1fce06f90e3157"
"from": "Tester2",
"to": "Tester",
"messages": [
"username": "Tester2",
"message": "heeey",
"read": false
"username": "Tester",
"message": "hi!",
"read": false
"username": "Tester2",
"message": "test",
"read": false
Now I try to set the read
property to the current date just of the subelements where the username is not equal to Tester
var messages = db.collection('messages');
_id: new BSON.ObjectID("519ebd1cef1fce06f90e3157"),
messages: {
$elemMatch: { username: { $ne: "Tester" } }
{ $set: { 'messages.$.read': new Date() } },
{ multi: true }, function(error, result) {
But just the first messages subelement read
property updates:
"_id": {
"$oid": "519ebd1cef1fce06f90e3157"
"from": "Tester2",
"to": "Tester",
"messages": [
"username": "Tester2",
"message": "heeey",
"read": {
"$date": "2013-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"username": "Tester",
"message": "hi!",
"read": false
"username": "Tester2",
"message": "test",
"read": false
What's wrong with the code? I'm using node.js v0.10.8 and MongoDB v2.4.3 together with node-mongodb-native.