It is the first time I am trying to write a Poincare section code at Python.
I borrowed the piece of code from here:
and I have tried to run it for my system of second order coupled odes. The problem is that I do not see what I was expecting to. Actually, I need the Poincare section when x=0 and px>0
I believe that my implementation is not the best out there. I would like to:
- Improve the way that the initial conditions are chosen.
- Apply the correct conditions (
x=0 and px>0
) in order to acquire the correct Poincare section. - Create one plot with all the collected poincare section data, not four separate ones.
I would appreciate any help.
This is the code:
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from scipy import *
from numpy import *
# a simple Runge-Kutta integrator for multiple dependent variables and one independent variable
def rungekutta4(yprime, time, y0):
# yprime is a list of functions, y0 is a list of initial values of y
# time is a list of t-values at which solutions are computed
# Dependency: numpy
N = len(time)
y = array([thing*ones(N) for thing in y0]).T
for ii in xrange(N-1):
dt = time[ii+1] - time[ii]
k1 = dt*yprime(y[ii], time[ii])
k2 = dt*yprime(y[ii] + 0.5*k1, time[ii] + 0.5*dt)
k3 = dt*yprime(y[ii] + 0.5*k2, time[ii] + 0.5*dt)
k4 = dt*yprime(y[ii] + k3, time[ii+1])
y[ii+1] = y[ii] + (k1 + 2.0*(k2 + k3) + k4)/6.0
return y
# Miscellaneous functions
n= 1.0/3.0
kappa1 = 0.1
kappa2 = 0.1
kappa3 = 0.1
def total_energy(valpair):
(x, y, px, py) = tuple(valpair)
return .5*(px**2 + py**2) + (1.0/(1.0*(n+1)))*(kappa1*np.absolute(x)**(n+1)+kappa2*np.absolute(y-x)**(n+1)+kappa3*np.absolute(y)**(n+1))
def pqdot(valpair, tval):
# input: [x, y, px, py], t
# takes a pair of x and y values and returns \dot{p} according to the Hamiltonian
(x, y, px, py) = tuple(valpair)
return np.array([px, py, -kappa1*np.sign(x)*np.absolute(x)**n+kappa2*np.sign(y-x)*np.absolute(y-x)**n, kappa2*np.sign(y-x)*np.absolute(y-x)**n-kappa3*np.sign(y)*np.absolute(y)**n]).T
def findcrossings(data, data1):
# returns indices in 1D data set where the data crossed zero. Useful for generating Poincare map at 0
prb = list()
for ii in xrange(len(data)-1):
if (((data[ii] > 0) and (data[ii+1] < 0)) or ((data[ii] < 0) and (data[ii+1] > 0))) and data1[ii] > 0:
return array(prb)
t = linspace(0, 1000.0, 100000)
print ("step size is " + str(t[1]-t[0]))
# Representative initial conditions for E=1
E = 1
init_cons = [[x0, y0, np.sqrt(2*E-(1.0*i/10.0)*(1.0*i/10.0)-2.0/(n+1)*(kappa1*np.absolute(x0)**(n+1)+kappa2*np.absolute(y0-x0)**(n+1)+kappa3*np.absolute(y0)**(n+1))), 1.0*i/10.0] for i in range(-10,11)]
outs = list()
for con in init_cons:
outs.append( rungekutta4(pqdot, t, con) )
# plot the results
fig1 = figure(1)
for ii in xrange(4):
subplot(2, 2, ii+1)
title("Full trajectory projected onto the plane")
fig1.suptitle('Full trajectories E = 1', fontsize=10)
# Plot Poincare sections at x=0 and px>0
fig2 = figure(2)
for ii in xrange(4):
subplot(2, 2, ii+1)
xcrossings = findcrossings(outs[ii][:,0], outs[ii][:,3])
yints = [.5*(outs[ii][cross, 1] + outs[ii][cross+1, 1]) for cross in xcrossings]
pyints = [.5*(outs[ii][cross, 3] + outs[ii][cross+1, 3]) for cross in xcrossings]
plot(yints, pyints,'.')
title("Poincare section x = 0")
fig2.suptitle('Poincare Sections E = 1', fontsize=10)