so my program is meant to display buttons in rows, then wait for the user to click one, however what would happen is that the it would return to the main menu.
I was unsure of how to make the program wait ( I tried time.sleep() and os.system("pause"), however both of these would just wait for a certain amount of time and then also return to the main menu - so I resorted to using a console input, just to see if the boxes were being correctly displayed.
However now with the console input, clicking on any of the buttons makes the program not respond (when the button should be changing color) - I've included a screenshot. Program not responding
I was wondering what I'm doing wrong, I understand this is sort of a mess, I'd be really happy for some sort of response and I can provide more information if needed. Many thanks.
This is the code for displaying the buttons.
screen.fill(white) #clear the screen
xPos = -135;yPos = 200;tasktodo = "null" #set the position of where the first buttons should be placed
for i in tasklist[posInList][2]: #For each task the user has been set
for y in QuestionTypes: #For each item in QuestionTypes ([MPQ,DBQ,RatioQ]...)
if str(y) in str(i): #If the any item in QuestionTypes is in the tasks the user is set:
task = (i.split(",")[0]) #This splits up the various tasks to the form of [DBQ,MPQ,AFQ]
if xPos > display_height: #If the place a button would be placed is out of bounds
xPos = 50 #Reset xPos
yPos += yPos -82 #Lower the position of the button to another row
xPos += 185 #Else, place the button 185 pixels to the right
button(str(task), xPos, yPos, 150, 90, grey, lightGrey, action=str(task)) #Place a button with the name of the task, in position (xPos,yPos), dimensions (150,90),active/inactive colors of grey/light grey action being the task
listOfSetQuestions.append(y) #Append the tasks the user has to do to a list
amountoftasks += 1 #Keep track of the amount of tasks the user has to do.
# After the tasks are all printed, the user must input what task they wish to do
message_to_screen("These are the tasks your teacher has set, pick one:", black, "medium", -200) #send a message to the screen, black color, medium size font and y position of -200
x = input("press ENTER to continue")
This is the code for the button, so you can see it for more context.
def button(text, x, y, width, height, inactiveColor, activeColor, action = None):
cur = pygame.mouse.get_pos() #Gets the position of the cursor
click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() #will return a tuple of 3, click[0] is left click, click[1] is middle and click[2] is right.
if x + width > cur[0] > x and y + height > cur[1] > y: #If the mouse is clicked and is between the borders of the button.
pygame.draw.rect(screen, activeColor, (x,y,width,height)) #Change the color of the button to the active color, to show it is clicked
if click[0] == 1 and action != None: #if the mouse is clicked, and there is a purpose to the click (clicked on a button)
if action == "Create":
if action == "Sign in":
if action == "Teacher":
if action in QuestionTypes:
print (action)
global tasktodo
tasktodo = action
pygame.draw.rect(screen, inactiveColor, (x,y,width,height))