In Swift 3, I would like to be able to create a protocol which allows me to add elements and iterate through using for element in
. The protocol should works on both NSMutableSet
and NSMutableOrderedSet
(since they do not inherit from the same class).
I know there are good reasons why NSMutableSet
and NSMutableOrderedSet
do not inherit from the same class, it is explained here and here.
But I want to create a protocol which only makes use of a fraction of all the methods inside NSMutableSet
(and NSMutableOrderedSet
I have gotten just the add
to work, like this:
protocol MutableSet {
func add(_ element: Any)
extension NSMutableSet: MutableSet {}
extension NSMutableOrderedSet: MutableSet {}
let one: NSString = "one"
let two: NSString = "two"
// Works if created with `NSMutableSet`
let mutableSet: MutableSet = NSMutableSet()
for element in mutableSet as! NSMutableSet {
This prints:
// Also works if creating `NSMutableOrderedSet` instance
let mutableOrderedSet: MutableSet = NSMutableOrderedSet()
for element in mutableOrderedSet as! NSMutableOrderedSet {
This prints:
However I would really love to be able to iterate through the elements just by using:
for element in mutableSet {
I am trying to make protocol MutableSet
conform to the Sequence
protocol, something like this, but it does not work:
protocol MutableSet: Sequence {
func add(_ element: Any)
extension NSMutableSet: MutableSet {
typealias Iterator = NSFastEnumerationIterator
typealias Element = NSObject // I dont know what to write here
typealias SubSequence = Slice<Set<NSObject>> // Neither here....
let one: NSString = "one"
let two: NSString = "two"
let mutableSet: MutableSet = NSMutableSet() // Compile Error: Protocol `MutableSet` can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
for element in mutableSet { // Compile Error: Using `MutableSet` as a concrete type conforming to protocol `Sequence` is not supported
Is it possible to make my protocol conform to Sequence
? How should I do it? I have tried various combinations of typealias
and associatedtype
of Element
, Iterator
etc. I also tried this answer it does not work for me.
EDIT 2: Answer to my own question in EDIT 1
I got var count: Int { get }
to work using this solution, not sure if it is the best one though... Also would be nice to not having to implement the var elements: [Any] { get }
in the extension of NSMutableSet
and NSMutableOrderedSet
, but I guess that is inevitable?
protocol MutableSet: Sequence {
subscript(position: Int) -> Any { get }
func add(_ element: Any)
var count: Int { get }
var elements: [Any] { get }
extension MutableSet {
subscript(position: Int) -> Any {
return elements[position]
extension NSMutableSet: MutableSet {
var elements: [Any] {
return allObjects
extension NSMutableOrderedSet: MutableSet {
var elements: [Any] {
return array
struct AnyMutableSet<Element>: MutableSet {
private let _add: (Any) -> ()
private let _makeIterator: () -> AnyIterator<Element>
private var _getElements: () -> [Any]
private var _getCount: () -> Int
func add(_ element: Any) { _add(element) }
func makeIterator() -> AnyIterator<Element> { return _makeIterator() }
var count: Int { return _getCount() }
var elements: [Any] { return _getElements() }
init<MS: MutableSet>(_ ms: MS) where MS.Iterator.Element == Element {
_add = ms.add
_makeIterator = { AnyIterator(ms.makeIterator()) }
_getElements = { ms.elements }
_getCount = { ms.count }
let one: NSString = "one"
let two: NSString = "two"
let mutableSet: AnyMutableSet<Any>
let someCondition = true
if someCondition {
mutableSet = AnyMutableSet(NSMutableSet())
} else {
mutableSet = AnyMutableSet(NSMutableOrderedSet())
for i in 0..<mutableSet.count {
print("Element[\(i)] == \(mutableSet[i])")
// Prints:
// Element[0] == one
// Element[1] == two
EDIT 1: Follow up question
Using the excellent answer by @rob-napier with type erasure
technique I have extended the protocol MutableSet
to have the count
and also subscript
ability, however I was only able to do so using func
(named getCount
) which is ugly, instead of var
. This is what I am using:
protocol MutableSet: Sequence {
subscript(position: Int) -> Any { get }
func getCount() -> Int
func add(_ element: Any)
func getElements() -> [Any]
extension MutableSet {
subscript(position: Int) -> Any {
return getElements()[position]
extension NSMutableSet: MutableSet {
func getCount() -> Int {
return count
func getElements() -> [Any] {
return allObjects
extension NSMutableOrderedSet: MutableSet {
func getElements() -> [Any] {
return array
func getCount() -> Int {
return count
struct AnyMutableSet<Element>: MutableSet {
private var _getCount: () -> Int
private var _getElements: () -> [Any]
private let _add: (Any) -> ()
private let _makeIterator: () -> AnyIterator<Element>
func getElements() -> [Any] { return _getElements() }
func add(_ element: Any) { _add(element) }
func makeIterator() -> AnyIterator<Element> { return _makeIterator() }
func getCount() -> Int { return _getCount() }
init<MS: MutableSet>(_ ms: MS) where MS.Iterator.Element == Element {
_add = ms.add
_makeIterator = { AnyIterator(ms.makeIterator()) }
_getElements = ms.getElements
_getCount = ms.getCount
let one: NSString = "one"
let two: NSString = "two"
let mutableSet: AnyMutableSet<Any>
let someCondition = true
if someCondition {
mutableSet = AnyMutableSet(NSMutableSet())
} else {
mutableSet = AnyMutableSet(NSMutableOrderedSet())
for i in 0..<mutableSet.getCount() {
print("Element[\(i)] == \(mutableSet[i])")
// Prints:
// Element[0] == one
// Element[1] == two
How can I get it to work with just var count: Int { get }
and var elements: [Any]
in the protocol, instead of functions?