Here is my complex (atleast i think it is complex)
condition to find competitors from matches schedules and relating to events.
Now I have HTBTM
relations with events_competitors
table, where multiple events have multiple competitors users entries.
Here, I have used joins
condition for joining and getting related events
with competitors
which works fine, but I also want to apply additional conditions, for is_black
(check for black belt) and is_adult
(check for adult person)
'EventCompetitor.is_black' => 0,
'EventCompetitor.is_adult' => 0,
Here I want only those competitors which have both conditions (is_black / is_adult) 0, means not eligible, but it does not applying the same, which is resulting in wrong competitors results.
Below is my whole find condition:
$matchdivisions = $this->Competitor->find("all" ,
'conditions' =>
'Competitor.status' => 1,
'Competitor.payment_completed' => 1,
'Competitor.weightgroup_id' => $current_matchsc['Matchschedule']['weightgroup_id'],
'Competitor.rank_id' => $current_matchsc['Matchschedule']['rank_id'],
'Competitor.degree_id' => $current_matchsc['Matchschedule']['degree_id'],
'Competitor.gender' => $current_matchsc['Matchschedule']['gender'],
'joins' =>
'table' => 'event_competitors',
'alias' => 'EventCompetitor',
'type' => 'left',
'conditions'=> array(
"AND" =>array(
'EventCompetitor.event_id = '.$current_matchsc['Event']['id'],
'EventCompetitor.is_black' => 0,
'EventCompetitor.is_adult' => 0,
'group' => ''
Any idea, how can i get those things applied into JOIN
conditions, so it is applied into results.
Thanks !
Below is SQL Dump for your ref:
SELECT Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Competitor
, Rank
, Rank
, Rank
, Rank
, Rank
, Tournament
, Tournament
, Tournament
, Tournament
, Tournament
, Tournament
, Tournament
, Tournament
, Tournament
, Tournament
, Tournament
, Tournament
, Tournament
, Country
, Country
, Country
, Country
, Country
, State
, State
, State
, State
, State
, State
, State
, Degree
, Degree
, Degree
, Degree
, Degree
, School
, School
, School
, School
, School
, School
, School
, School
, School
, School
, School
, School
, School
, School
, School
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
, Transaction
FROM competitors
AS Competitor
left JOIN event_competitors AS EventCompetitor
ON (EventCompetitor
= 3 AND EventCompetitor
= 0 AND EventCompetitor
= 0) LEFT JOIN ranks
AS Rank
ON (Competitor
= Rank
) LEFT JOIN tournaments
AS Tournament
ON (Competitor
= Tournament
) LEFT JOIN countries
AS Country
ON (Competitor
= Country
) LEFT JOIN states
AS State
ON (Competitor
= State
) LEFT JOIN degrees
AS Degree
ON (Competitor
= Degree
) LEFT JOIN schools
AS School
ON (Competitor
= School
) LEFT JOIN transactions
AS Transaction
ON (Transaction
= Competitor
) WHERE Competitor
= 1 AND Competitor
= 1 AND Competitor
= 13 AND Competitor
= 11 AND Competitor
= '0' AND Competitor
= 'Female' GROUP BY Competitor
Here is the left join condition from above query for ref:
left JOIN event_competitors AS EventCompetitor ON (EventCompetitor.event_id = 3 AND EventCompetitor.is_black = 0 AND EventCompetitor.is_adult = 0)