I want to create a helper which iterates thru the list of user's communities and creates as many thumbnails as the number of comunities available. So I created these 2 helper methods
def print_admined_group_thumbs
@user_groups_hash[:admined_groups].each {
name = group_hash[:name]
group_id = group_hash[:group_id]
photo = group_hash[:photo]
members_count = group_hash[:members_count].to_i
concat(get_group_thumbnail_html(group_id, name, members_count, photo))
# creates a small preview for the selected comunity group
def get_group_thumbnail_html(group_id, name, members_count, photo)
content_tag(:div, :class => "col-md-55") do
concat(content_tag( :div, :class => 'thumbnail') do
concat(content_tag(:div, :class => 'image view view-first') do
concat(image_tag(photo, :class => "group_thumb_image"))
concat(content_tag(:div, :class => "mask") do
concat(content_tag :p, "Your text")
concat(content_tag(:div, :class => "tools tools-bottom") do
concat(content_tag(:div, :class => "caption") do
concat(content_tag(:p, name))
end #end get_group_thumbnail_html
So I simply add this call to my view
<%= print_admined_group_thumbs %>
It all works almost correctly and creates all thumbnails just like I want, except for one thing. It also prints out the entire contents of "group_hash" variable right after the thumbnails. Maybe I'm just too exhausted today, but I can't seem to figure out why? I'd be greateful if somebody helped me solve this problem and explain what am I doing wrong with it?