I would like to show the customer email in Magento sales order grid. I have to rewrite the Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Sales_Order_Grid
in my local module to added the new column for customer email. I got the value of email for each order but sorting and filtering not working as expected.
I was spent more than a day for sorting this issue but no luck. Also, I referred few of answers in SO too.
Below is the code which is I have tried referring this answer,
public function setCollection($collection)
'main_table.entity_id=' . 'sfo' . '.entity_id',
'main_table.entity_id=' . 'sfoa' . '.parent_id',
$collection->addFilterToMap('increment_id', 'main_table.increment_id');
protected function _prepareColumns()
$this->addColumnAfter('email', array(
'header' => Mage::helper('sales')->__('Customer Email'),
'width' => '80px',
'type' => 'text',
'index' => 'email',
'filter_index' => 'sfoa.email',
'filter_condition_callback' => 'filter_last_login',
'order_callback' => 'sort_last_login',
), 'erp_confirm_order');
return parent::_prepareColumns();
public function getGridUrl()
return $this->getUrl('*/*/grid', array('_current'=>true));
function filter_last_login($collection, $column)
if (!$column->getFilter()->getCondition()) {
$condition = $collection->getConnection()
->prepareSqlCondition('sfoa.email', $column->getFilter()->getCondition());
function sort_last_login($collection, $column)
$collection->getSelect()->order($column->getIndex() . ' ' . strtoupper($column->getDir()));
protected function _setCollectionOrder($column)
if ($column->getOrderCallback()) {
call_user_func($column->getOrderCallback(), $this->getCollection(), $column);
return $this;
return parent::_setCollectionOrder($column);
Edit 1
Nothing works when I sorting & filtering the customer email column, Also i am getting the error when I click rest of default grid columns.
Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'increment_id' in order clause is ambiguous, query was: SELECT `main_table`.*, `sfo`.*, `sfoa`.`email` FROM `sales_flat_order_grid` AS `main_table`
LEFT JOIN `sales_flat_order` AS `sfo` ON main_table.entity_id=sfo.entity_id
LEFT JOIN `sales_flat_order_address` AS `sfoa` ON main_table.entity_id=sfoa.parent_id GROUP BY `main_table`.`entity_id` ORDER BY increment_id ASC LIMIT 20
Any help much appreciation. Thanks,