I'm a little new to AOP, and got confused about the problem I'm facing. I have the Annotation @AuthorizeUser
which acts on methods, on Presentation Layer. I need to check if User is authorized to execute that method or not. Here is the code for AuthorizeUserAspect
public class AuthorizeUserAspect {
private UserService service;
@Before(value = "@annotation(com.company.annotation.AuthorizeUser)")
public void isAuthorized(JoinPoint jp) {
// Check if the user has permission or not
// executing some Service Layer services and
// Persistence Layer, corresponding to that
// Is there a way I can make this method Conditional. something like:
if ( /* User has permission */ ) {
// do nothing, so the method will be executed after this
else {
// 1) Prevent the Method to be executed [and/or]
// 2) Pass some Parameters to the method for checking [and/or]
// 3) Execute another method on that class [e.g showAccessDenied()]
It's a little bit similar to this question Spring MVC + Before Advice check security. But it suggested to return some String (ie. "Not OK"). There are two types of UI in my application (Struts and Jersey), so there would be two type of return type (String
and Response
respectively). So I guess that might not be the best way to do it.
I would be very glad if you could show me a workaround for this.
Is this even a good approach or not?