I have a module in my knockout application where I want to have a tree type structure with checkboxes. What I am trying to achieve with that is the following
- If I select child all the parent and grand parents in that node gets selected but with a different icon. Something like this
- If the user selects the parent all its children are selected like this
Before starting to make my own plugin for it, does knockout have anything similar to this, which I can use as a base and build upon it?
i believe using some library hooked to DOM elements like jstree is bad approach. IMHO it is better to separate data model and its interpretation in htlm.
here is example: https://jsfiddle.net/gqyk1ssh/
ko.bindingHandlers.prop = {
update: function(element,valueAccessor) {
var props = ko.toJS(valueAccessor());
for (prop in props){
element[prop] = ko.unwrap(props[prop]);
function model(folders){
this.folders = ko.observableArray(ko.utils.arrayMap(folders,function(folder){
return new modelFolder(folder);
function modelFolder(folder,parent){
this.name = ko.observable(folder.name);
this.checked = ko.observable(folder.checked);
this.parent = parent;
this.folders = ko.observableArray(
folder.folders ?
return new modelFolder(folder,this);
: null
this.checkedChildFolders = ko.pureComputed(function(){
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(this.folders(),function(folder){
return folder.checked() || folder.checkedAllChildFolders() || folder.checkedSomeChildFolders()
this.checkedSomeChildFolders = ko.pureComputed(function(){
return this.folders().length>0 && !this.checkedAllChildFolders() && this.checkedChildFolders().length > 0
this.checkedAllChildFolders = ko.pureComputed(function(){
return this.folders().length>0 && this.checkedChildFolders().length == this.folders().length
modelFolder.prototype.setCheck = function(check){
modelFolder.prototype.checkMeAndChildrens = function(check){
modelFolder.prototype.checkParents = function(check){
ko.applyBindings(new model([
{"name":"Lorem", "folders":[
{"name":"Sit amet"}
{"name":"Sit amet"}