
WSO2 APIM: Taking long time for retrieving applica

2019-07-25 18:55发布


I'm using WSO2-APIM-2.1.0. Which internally uses solr 5.2.1.
Inside WSO2-APIM-2.1.0, I've added around 2087 applications. Wso2 internally generating the solr OR query which has around 2087 OR clauses of 121825 characters.

When I tried to get application list though the API call:
curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer access_token" "https://localhost:9443/api/am/publisher/v0.11/subscriptions?apiId=apiId&limit=2200"
(It took around 6 minutes, which is too long.)

Using the link https://localhost:9443/store (by clicking on applications), it's not loading application list.(as browser is timing out)

I was getting exception of maxBooleanClauses. Then I made following changes:
I've modified the file repository/conf/solr/registry-indexing/conf/solrconfig.xml and modified the property: <maxBooleanClauses>16000</maxBooleanClauses>.

How can I speed-up the response ?