how to remove the querystring parameters in url in

2019-07-25 17:36发布


url.action is :

<li><a href="@Url.Action("CategoryLevel", "Product", new { CategoryId = @item._categoryId, ProductName = @Html.Raw(item._categoryName) })">@Html.Raw(item._categoryName)</a></li>

it works fine but i dont want to display the qyery string in url

url is:


i want to display this as

`http://localhost:99/Product/CategoryLevel/16/Common%20Conditions`  (or)`http://localhost:99/Product/CategoryLevel/Common%20Conditions(or)http://localhost:99/Product/Common%20Conditions`

route config is: routes.MapRoute( name: "Home", url: "{controller}/{action}", defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" } );

ActionResult in controller is:`

public ActionResult CategoryLevel()
            string ProductName = Request.QueryString["ProductName"];
            ViewBag.ProductName = ProductName;
            int Category = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["CategoryId"]);
            ViewBag.ParentCategoryId = Category;
            int ParentCategoryId = 0;
            if (Request.QueryString["ParentCategoryId"] != null)
                ParentCategoryId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ParentCategoryId"]);
            Product productInstance = new Product();
            IList<CategoryInfo> categories = new List<CategoryInfo>();
            categories = productInstance.GetCategories(Category, true);
            if (categories.Count == 0)
                return RedirectToAction("NewProducts", "Product", new { @CategoryId = Category,  ProductName = ProductName });

            return View(categories);

        }`another actionresult is`public ActionResult NewProducts(Product instance)
            string ProductName = Request.QueryString["ProductName"];
            instance.BrandName = ProductName;
            int CategoryId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["CategoryId"]);
            int BrandId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["BrandId"]);
            string SortBy = Convert.ToString(Request.QueryString["sortBy"]);
            if (SortBy != null)
                Session["Sort"] = SortBy;
            Session["NewProductsBrandId"] = BrandId;
            instance.CategoryId = CategoryId;
            instance.BrandId = BrandId;
            instance.SortBy = SortBy;
            return View(instance);


Here goes descriptive solution -

First you need to have proper route -

    name: "ProductDetails",
    url: "{controller}/{action}/{categoryid}/{productname}",
    defaults: new { controller = "Product", action = "CategoryLevel" }

Then you can have controller action defined in this way.

public class ProductController : Controller
    public ActionResult CategoryLevel(string CategoryId, string ProductName)
        return View();

Finally the link in this way -

@Html.ActionLink("sample","CategoryLevel", "Product", new { CategoryId = 1, ProductName = "Rami Vemula" }, null)

URL generated - http://localhost:5738/Product/CategoryLevel/1/Rami%20Vemula

And when you click on link, you will get values as shown below -


Try like this,

Use Html.ActionLink instead of a

 @Html.ActionLink("EditUser", "CategoryLevel", "Product", new { Id = m.ID }, new { @class = "hide" })


<a href='CategoryLevel/@m.ID/@m.Name' >@m.Name</a>