So I have a factory that fetches objects from a server:
.factory('Articles', function($http) {
var articles = [];
return {
all: function(){
articles =;
return articles;
get: function(articleId) {
for (var i = 0; i < articles.length; i++) {
if (articles[i].id === parseInt(articleId)) {
return articles[i];
return null;
this is returning an array like so:
[Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object]
each object looks like this:
0: Object
alias: "title"
attachments: Array[0]
author: Object
category: Object
catid: "67"
created: "2015-04-11 08:06:07"
created_by_alias: ""
events: Object
extra_fields: null
featured: "0"
fulltext: ""
gallery: null
hits: "80"
id: "171"
image: ""
imageLarge: "/url/69bc9c3e85c501b0a6208cc7a55abbf9_L.jpg"
imageMedium: "/url/69bc9c3e85c501b0a6208cc7a55abbf9_M.jpg"
imageSmall: "/url/69bc9c3e85c501b0a6208cc7a55abbf9_S.jpg"
imageWidth: ""
imageXLarge: "/url/69bc9c3e85c501b0a6208cc7a55abbf9_XL.jpg"
imageXSmall: "/url/69bc9c3e85c501b0a6208cc7a55abbf9_XS.jpg"
image_caption: ""
image_credits: ""
introtext: "<p><strong>Mpho Mathoho</strong>lots of text is here....</p>"
language: "*"
link: "/url/title.html"
modified: "2015-06-02 07:44:30"
numOfComments: "0"
numOfvotes: "(0 votes)"
tags: Array[1]
title: "the title"
video: null
video_caption: ""
video_credits: ""
votingPercentage: 0
__proto__: Object
my controller looks like this:
.controller('GautengCtrl', function($scope, $stateParams, Articles) {
$scope.articles = Articles.all();
all I want to do is return a list of articles and display them on a page. My HTML looks like this:
<ion-item ng-class='{in:$first}' class="item-remove-animate item-thumbnail-left item-icon-right wrap" ng-repeat="article in articles" type="item-text-wrap" href="#/app/provinces/gauteng/{{}}">
<img ng-src="{{article.imageLarge}}">
<i class="icon ion-chevron-right icon-accessory"></i>
this is not working though and I really cannot understand why.
Does anyone have any insight into this that can help?