Why is OnComplete not called in this code? (RxAndr

2019-07-25 17:43发布


I know OnComplete of a Observer is called when all the items are emitted. In the below code, I am putting data from a cursor to an ArrayList in a flatMap operator. My cursor has 100 entries ( c.getCount() gives 100 ) and the size of my list is 100. The onNext is called 100 times too. But the onComplete is not called. I am populating a listview in onComplete.

static int i = 0;
final List<String> ar = new ArrayList<>();
ListView lv = ...;
ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = ...;   
                    .flatMap(new Func1<SqlBrite.Query, Observable<String>>() {
                public Observable<String> call(SqlBrite.Query query) {
                    Cursor c = query.run();
                    Log.d("testApp", String.valueOf(c.getCount())); // prints 100
                    do {
                    } while (c.moveToNext());
                    Log.d("testApp", String.valueOf(ar.size())); // prints 100
                    return Observable.from(ar);
            }).subscribe(new Observer<String>() {
                public void onCompleted() {
                    Log.d("testApp", "onComplete called");

            public void onError(Throwable e) {

            public void onNext(String s) {
                Log.d("testApp", "onNext called " + String .valueOf(++i) + " with " + s); // printed 100 times

The new stream of Observable is to complete after 100 but it does not.

Any help is appreciated, Thank You


FlatMap operator merge your main stream with your flatMapped stream. Your observable will complete if q and your Observable from your array complete. So check why q doesn't no complete.