I have a .jar file added to the CLASSPATH of the JBoss 5 startup (run.bat/run.sh) file. This is a dependency jar which is referred to from the servlet based application. If I use this setup, the servlet loads fine and works as expected. However, I noted that if I have the same jar in the servlet's WEB-INF/lib directory, I get a class cast exception as follows:
ERROR [STDERR] ERROR: com.idoox.wasp.ProtocolRepositoryImpl - Exception in protocolHandler soap, protocolHandler com.server.saaj.soap.SOAP11ProtocolHandler, class space root.wasp-impl.SOAP :
ERROR [STDERR] com.systinet.saaj.soap.SOAP11ProtocolHandler cannot be cast to org.idoox.wasp.ProtocolHandler
ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.ClassCastException: com.server.saaj.soap.SOAP11ProtocolHandler cannot be cast to org.idoox.wasp.ProtocolHandler
This is not an issue since I won't have the jar in both places, but I'm just wondering why it is happening this way. Is this a class loading issue?
Thank You.