I have already asked and played around with this question on Laravel discussions here (https://laracasts.com/discuss/channels/code-review/linking-to-custom-font-file-from-a-stylesheet-inside-a-blade-template). moving the file back to the stylesheet and removing the asset in the link the did not. I am trying to import custom fonts into my website, but because of Laravel's router, I can't directly link to the font files in my CSS. how can I get my custom fonts to display in the browser? So far, this dosent work:
@font-face { font-family: NexaBold; src: url('{!! asset('build/fonts/NexaBold.otf') !!}'); }
@font-face { font-family: NexaLight; src: url('{!! asset('build/fonts/NexaLight.otf') !!}'); }
@font-face { font-family: OpenSans; src: url('{!! asset('build/fontsOpenSans-Regular.ttf') !!}'); }
I tried replacing asset with public_path but that didn't work either. How do I get my fonts to display using the Laravel blade engine?