batch file to copy files from one server to other

2019-07-25 12:38发布


I've written a batch file to copy files from one server to another, however, i need to be able to rename the file just copied to contain the folder path. The code i have come up with to do the job is:


SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion

set include=*.log

FOR /L %%i IN (1,2,3) DO (

    net use i: \\my-server%%i\d$\IISLogs

    FOR /R i:\ %%G IN (%include%) DO (

        XCOPY %%G D:\ServerLogsAndBackups\IIS\w%%i\
7z a -t7z D:\ServerLogsAndBackups\IIS\w%%i\files%%i.7z *.log -mx9

net use i: /delete


The file would be coming from something like:


And what I want to do is copy it into D:\ServerLogsAndBackups\IIS\w1\w3svc98435783475_ex110430.log. I'm unsure how to get the directory path on the remote to put into the filename.

many thanks


If you know the depth of the files are only 1 folder in, you can use the following


SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion

set include=*.log

FOR /L %%i IN (1,2,3) DO (

net use i: \\my-server%%i\d$\IISLogs

  FOR /R i:\ %%G IN (%include%) DO (

    FOR /F "tokens=1-2 delims=\" %%H IN ("%%~pnxG") DO (    

      XCOPY %%G D:\ServerLogsAndBackups\IIS\w%%i\%%H_%%I



7z a -t7z D:\ServerLogsAndBackups\IIS\w%%i\files%%i.7z *.log -mx9

net use i: /delete


If the files are a set number of folders deep, you can adjust the tokens as required and add additional letters to the end of the XCOPY command (i.e. 5 folders deep: tokens=6 and in the XCOPY command it will be %%H_%%I_%%J_%%K_%%L_%%M)

However, if there is a mix of folder depths, you may be better off looking into using something other than Batch scripting to accomplish this.