the most darndest thing! the following code prints out 'llo' instead of the expected 'wo'. i get such surprising results for a few other numbers. what am i missing here?
alert('helloworld'.substring(5, 2));
the most darndest thing! the following code prints out 'llo' instead of the expected 'wo'. i get such surprising results for a few other numbers. what am i missing here?
alert('helloworld'.substring(5, 2));
You're confusing substring()
and substr()
: substring()
expects two indices and not offset and length. In your case, the indices are 5 and 2, ie characters 2..4 will be returned as the higher index is excluded.
You have three options in Javascript:
//syntax: string.slice(start [, stop])
"Good news, everyone!".slice(5,9); // extracts 'news'
//syntax: string.substring(start [, stop])
"Good news, everyone!".substring(5,9); // extracts 'news'
//syntax: string.substr(start [, length])
"Good news, everyone!".substr(5,4); // extracts 'news'
Check the substring
substring(from, to)
from Required. The index where to start the extraction. First character is at index 0
to Optional. The index where to stop the extraction. If omitted, it extracts the rest of the string
I'll grant you it's a bit odd. Didn't know that myself.
What you want to do is
alert('helloworld'.substring(5, 7));
alert('helloworld'.substring(5, 2));
The code above is wrong because the first value is the start point to the end point.E.g move from char 5 which is o
and go to char 2 which is the l
so will get llo
So you have told it to go backwards.
What yuou want is
alert('helloworld'.substring(5, 7));
See syntax below:
str.substring(indexA, [indexB])
If indexA > indexB
, the substring()
function acts as if arguments were reversed.
Consider documentation here:
This is What i have done,
var stringValue = 'Welcome to India';
// if you want take get 'India'
// stringValue.substring(startIndex, EndIndex)
stringValue.substring(11, 16); // O/p 'India'