I have several similar tasks, each of which is limited to a timeout, i.e. must be completed faster than the specified time or return an empty result. The main purpose of these tasks is receiving a response from the server with a timeout limit. An example of such task is below:
public async Task<List<Data>> GetDataWithTimeoutAsync(InputData data, int timeout)
List<Data> resultData = new List<Data>;
await Task.WhenAny(Task.Run(async () =>
return resultData;
Each of these tasks works correctly separately.
But I want to run some of such tasks in parallel. For this, I use the following code.
public async Task<List<List<Data>>> GetAllDataAsync()
var resultTasks = new ConcurrentBag<Task<List<Data>>>();
var firtsTask = GetDataWithTimeoutAsync(firstInputData, firtsTimeout);
var secondTask = GetDataWithTimeoutAsync(secondInputData, secondTimeout);
var thirdTask = GetDataWithTimeoutAsync(thirdInputData, thirdTimeout);
resultTasks.Add(Task.Run(() => firtsTask));
resultTasks.Add(Task.Run(() => secondTask));
resultTasks.Add(Task.Run(() => thirdTask));
await Task.WhenAll(resultTasks);
var result = resultTasks.Select(t => t.Result).ToList();
return result;
But this code works incorrectly if different timeouts are set for nested tasks. In this case all of tasks are completed after the smallest of the timeouts.
How i can run some tasks in parallel with WhenAll if each of task is a result of WhenAny?