In my app, I am using NSFileHandle to edit some file but it is not editing.
Below is the code: with comments & logs output
//Initialize file manager
NSFileManager *filemgr;
filemgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
//Initialize file handle
NSFileHandle *fileHandle = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForReadingAtPath:filePath];
//Check if file is writable
if ([filemgr isWritableFileAtPath:filePath] == YES)
NSLog (@"File is writable");
NSLog (@"File is read only");
//Read 1st byte of file
NSData *decryptData = [fileHandle readDataOfLength:1];
//Print first byte & length
NSLog(@"data1: %d %@",[decryptData length],decryptData); //data2: 1 <37>
//Replace 1st byte
NSData *zeroData = 0;
[fileHandle writeData:zeroData];
//Read 1st byte to check
decryptData = [fileHandle readDataOfLength:1];
//Print first byte
NSLog(@"data2: %d %@",[decryptData length],decryptData); //data2: 1 <00>
NSURL *fileUrl=[NSURL fileURLWithPath:filePath];
[fileHandle closeFile];
Any Suggestions?