
Local Git Server Configuration (using bonobo)

2019-07-25 09:48发布


I'm trying to install Bonobo Git Server on my local computer. I use windows 8.1 . I've enabled IIS by following this.

And I've followed Bonobo's installation steps ..! I actually stuck on this step:

Convert Bonobo.Git.Server to Application in IIS

When I convert it to application, the result will be just one case:

But seems the right thing should be 3 options after converting: (since it's obvious in their tutorial)

Also when I open this link http://localhost/Bonobo.Git.Server, it will be redirect to http://localhost/bonobo.git.server/Home/Error?aspxerrorpath=/bonobo.git.server/Home/Error automatically. So sounds something went wrong.

Does anybody know what's wrong?


Try installing .NET framework 4.6.(2) Or edit web.config before and change customErrors to RemoteOnly (instead of "On") to see what error exactly you have

标签: git iis bonobo