I'm having problems making Lua & Luabind work under Windows 7 using VS 2010. So far, I've downloaded LuaBinaries from http://luabinaries.sourceforge.net and Luabind from http://www.hci.iastate.edu/~rpavlik/doxygen/luabind/docs.html . I've set up my environment variables BOOST_ROOT and LUA_PATH accordingly in the Command Line as mentioned in Luabind's INSTALL file and I can't get past this error:
C:\lua\luabind>bjam stage
error: at Jamroot:41
error: *** Unable to determine Lua include directory.
If anyone has been able to build Luabind under Windows any hint is much appreciated! Even more, if anyone has been able to set up a VS 2010 C++ project with Lua & Luabind and is willing to share I'll be more than thankful!