I have a folder that I want to search through all files, find specific strings, and replace those strings. I currently use the following function.
Function replacement($old, $new, $location){
$configFiles = Get-ChildItem $ApplicationFolder\* -include *.xml,*.config,*.bat,*.ini -rec
foreach ($file in $configFiles){
Try {
(Get-Content $file.pspath) | ForEach-Object {$_ -replace $old, $new} | Set-Content $file.pspath
Catch {
$tempfile = Convert-Path -path $file.PSPath
$message = "`nCould not replace $old in " + $tempfile +". This is usually caused by a permissions issue. The string may or may not exist."
This function unfortunately reads and writes to all files in the folder--not just the ones that contain the string.
I am trying to make the script more efficient and have it throw less permissions errors with the lines below.
Function replacement($old, $new, $location){
Get-ChildItem $location -include *.xml,*.config,*.bat,*.ini -rec | Select-String -pattern $old | Get-Content $_.path | ForEach-Object {$_ -replace $old, $new} | Set-Content $_.path
The problem I'm having is piping Select-String to Get-Content. The object that it passes does not validly represent the file object.
I've tried piping Select-String to Format-Table -Property path -force -HideTableHeaders
and a few other things but I haven't really gotten far with it.
I would appreciate some opinions. Thanks!