how do you get the contents of the string inside the pipe?
how can I get
qwe asd zxc
i tried this
and it don't seem to work
i also tried this
it only returns qwe though
how do you get the contents of the string inside the pipe?
how can I get
qwe asd zxc
i tried this
and it don't seem to work
i also tried this
it only returns qwe though
if String line="|qwe|asd|zxc|";
use string[] fields = line.split("\\|");
to get array of all your result..
Regex is not needed for this but if you insist on using regexes:
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\|?(\\w+)\\|");
Matcher m = p.matcher("|qwe|asd|zxc|");
while (m.find()) {
/* outputs:
Why your regex doesn't work:
is similar to /\|(\w*)\|/
and it matches the words between pipes.
Now in your sample string, the first match is |qwe|
Then it continues finding matches in asd|zxc|
; according to the pattern it skips asd
and only matches |zxc|
You can fix this by making the preceding pipe optional.