I am having a pretty specific problem but I hope people can point me in the right direction for how to debug or even fix it. I am trying to write a local client which can run and test a webpage I had built which uses SocketIO.
I am running Phantom with the command line option --web-security=false since otherwise no in or out connections are legal as my local tester is not considered part of the same origin as my website I am testing (had to fix that before the listening would work).
Using PhantomJS I can't get the emit function from SocketIO to work. It just fails silently without any error. I know the socket is validly connected because it can listen to incoming events just fine (so the on() method works). I can run the same emitting code in a web browser and it works just fine.
Does anyone know alternatives to emit(), what lower level things emit() invokes that maybe I could patch, or how I should test things next? Any help is appreciated.