Currently I'm able to draw a straight line between countries using the following code:
leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% addPolylines(lat=c(38.8833, 35.00), lng=c(-77.0167, 103.00))
What I'm trying to produce is a more realistic flight path, where the straight line is actually curved. Similar to this:
For the sake of this question, I'd like to tailor the answer within the Leaflet
package. Any help would be much appreciated.
following up on mrub, just pass the object you get from gcIntermediate to leaflet. something like this:
gcIntermediate(c(5,52), c(-120,37),
sp=TRUE) %>%
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
You are looking for something like this: How to draw great circles
In the answer, the package geosphere
with the function gcIntermediate()
is used:
inter <- gcIntermediate(c(lon_1, lat_1), c(lon_2, lat_2), n=50, addStartEnd=TRUE)
While trying to show more than one line by the method posted by einar, I couldn't show both of them at once. After much digging, I came across this and this posts. Here is a small code for two different lines.
lat_ny <- 40.73
lng_ny <- -73.9
lat_del <- 28.63
lng_del <- 77.21
lng_ca <- -121.6406
lat_ca <- 39.16414
inter1 <- gcIntermediate(c(lng_ny, lat_ny), c(lng_del, lat_del), n=10, addStartEnd=TRUE, sp = TRUE, breakAtDateLine = TRUE)
inter2 <- gcIntermediate(c(lng_ca, lat_ca), c(lng_del, lat_del), n=10, addStartEnd=TRUE, sp = TRUE, breakAtDateLine = TRUE)
inters <- c(inter1,inter2)
ll0 <- lapply( inters , function(x) `@`(x , "lines") )
ll1 <- lapply( unlist( ll0 ) , function(y) `@`(y,"Lines") )
Sl <- SpatialLines( list( Lines( unlist( ll1 ) , ID = 1 ) ) )
leaflet(Sl) %>% addTiles() %>% addPolylines()
Hardcoding latitude and longitude is not a good idea, but as I had to pick only top 5 connect place, I did not devote much time for indexing of a list. Also I am still to check if it integrates with Shiny.