I am using angular2-tree-component and want to show already expanded tree. Angular docs says to use initialized
event for expanding tree after data is come to tree:
Triggers after tree model was created. Good for performing actions immediately on init, like expanding / activating certain nodes, etc. You can access the tree model using a ref, as described in the API section.
But tree is not expanded after rendered:
I am loading data on ngOnInit()
ngOnInit() {
this.getApiFunction(request, item)
.subscribe(x => {
console.log('before adjusting data');
console.log('after adjusting data');
//some cycle to handle data for treeView
this.Items.length = 0;
this.Items = data from above cycle;
code to handle initialized
//alert('on Tree Load');
console.log('this.tree.treeModel.expandAll() is called!:)');
My tree looks like this:
<tree-root (initialized)="onTreeLoad()" [nodes]="Items"
[options]="customTemplateStringOptions" #tree>
<ng-template class="expand-tree" #treeNodeTemplate let-node>
<span (click)="currToggleExpanded(node)" *ngIf="node?.data?.expanded === true"
title="{{node.data.subTitle}}">{{ node.data.name }} {{ childrenCount(node) }}
<span (click)="currToggleExpanded(node)" ngIf="!node?.data?.expanded === true"
title="{{node.data.subTitle}}">{{ node.data.name }} {{ childrenCount(node) }}
event is fired before data is loaded. It can be seen by order of logs:
So what am I doing wrong or why initialized
event is fired before data is loaded into treeview