“initialized” event of angular2-tree-component is

2019-07-25 04:35发布


I am using angular2-tree-component and want to show already expanded tree. Angular docs says to use initialized event for expanding tree after data is come to tree:

Triggers after tree model was created. Good for performing actions immediately on init, like expanding / activating certain nodes, etc. You can access the tree model using a ref, as described in the API section.

But tree is not expanded after rendered:

I am loading data on ngOnInit():

ngOnInit() {
    this.getApiFunction(request, item)
        .subscribe(x => {    
            console.log('before adjusting data');            
            console.log('after adjusting data');                

    //some cycle to handle data for treeView
    this.Items.length = 0;
    this.Items = data from above cycle;        

code to handle initialized event:

    //alert('on Tree Load');
    console.log('this.tree.treeModel.expandAll() is called!:)');        

My tree looks like this:

<tree-root (initialized)="onTreeLoad()" [nodes]="Items"  
    [options]="customTemplateStringOptions" #tree>        
    <ng-template class="expand-tree" #treeNodeTemplate let-node>
        <span (click)="currToggleExpanded(node)" *ngIf="node?.data?.expanded === true" 
            title="{{node.data.subTitle}}">{{ node.data.name }} {{ childrenCount(node) }} 
        <span (click)="currToggleExpanded(node)" ngIf="!node?.data?.expanded === true" 
             title="{{node.data.subTitle}}">{{ node.data.name }} {{ childrenCount(node) }}

initialized event is fired before data is loaded. It can be seen by order of logs:

So what am I doing wrong or why initialized event is fired before data is loaded into treeview?


Try adding an ngIf to your tree so it does not render until the data is ready

<tree-root *ngIf="Items" (initialized)="onTreeLoad($event)" [nodes]="Items"  

And also pass in the tree object through your initialized method onTreeLoad($event) and use that passed in value. This part may not necessarily be needed, this.tree should be the same object.

onTreeLoad(tree): void {