
MedicationOrder for Times of day

2019-07-25 03:24发布


I have a very similar question to:

Defining a Medication Schedule in FHIR DSTU2

I want to show a MedicationOrder for specified times of day, like:

Take every day at 9:00am, 1:00pm and 6:00pm for 7 days.

I am not sure if I should have multiple dosageInstructions one for each time. Or if I should have multiple timing instructions each with its own event dateTime. Or if there is another way I am not considering.



There's not currently a way to specify specific times without enumerating the complete set of date-time combinations. However, an extension could be defined on Timing.repeat to convey the specific times - so you'd say "3 times a day for 7 days" using the core structure and then enumerate the specific occurrence times. Feel free to submit a change request to make this a core extension. (And if you wish, make an argument that most systems supporting timing would support this capability and thus it should be a core element rather than an extension.)


I suggested in my change request (see link below) to do it this way:

"dosageInstruction": [{
          "text": "Take 4 tablets daily for 7 days starting January 16, 2015",
          "timing": {                           
              "repeat": {    
                  "boundsPeriod": {
                    "start": "2015-01-16",
                        "end": "2015-01-20"
                "timesOfDay":{   //<-- List of times - here is where the times would be for every period 

change request:
