Hi i have this example
@XML1 xml,
@XPath nvarchar(200),
@EncodedXPath nvarchar(200),
@Sql nvarchar(max),
@val nvarchar(20)
SELECT @XML1.query('/Root[1]/Device[1]/Inspection[1]/Status[1]')
SELECT @XML1.value('/Root[1]/Device[1]/Inspection[1]/Status[1]','varchar(5)')
SET @XPath = '/Root[1]/Device[1]/Inspection[1]/Status[1]'
SET @EncodedXPath = REPLACE(@XPath, '''', '''''')
SET @Sql = N'SELECT @XML1.query(''' + @EncodedXPath + N''')'
EXEC sp_executesql @Sql, N'@XML1 xml', @XML1
SET @Sql = N'SELECT @XML1.value(''' + @EncodedXPath + N''', ''varchar(5)'')'
EXEC sp_executesql @Sql, N'@XML1 xml', @XML1
if you execute the code above you get same result, but how can i assign the result of the dynamic sql to a variable using xpath? the below example return just the result of the execution but i want to get back the value 'OK'
EXEC @ret = sp_executesql @Sql, N'@XML1 xml', @XML1