I am parsing large JSON data similar to one like this.
There are around 3000+ chapter
objects here. I require only those chapter
objects with "lang_code":"gb"
, which will be around 1300 with some basic objects like title
, description
. So basically 55% of JSON is not for my use.
I am generating the classes for JSON parsing using https://app.quicktype.io/
which gives me correct classes but this method is too slow.
Any suggestion to speed it up.
If most of the information that you need is sparse, it's probably best to pick it out in a targeted fashion, rather than create objects for everything.
You can't get around decoding the whole json string, which takes about 60ms on my laptop. Pruning the non-gb chapters takes just a few ms, and mapping what's left to some usable objects takes another few ms. Total time to something usable: <70ms.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
main() {
String manga = new File('manga.json').readAsStringSync();
int t1 = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
Map<String, dynamic> data = json.decode(manga);
Map<String, dynamic> jChapters = data['chapter'];
jChapters.removeWhere((_, m) => m['lang_code'] != 'gb');
Map<String, Chapter> chapters = jChapters.map((_, m) {
String number = m['chapter'];
return MapEntry(number, Chapter(number, m['title']));
int t2 = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
print(t2 - t1);
class Chapter {
String number;
String title;
Chapter(this.number, this.title);
String toString() => 'Chapter #$number:$title';
I am generating the classes for JSON parsing using https://app.quicktype.io/ which gives me correct classes but this method is too slow.
This method is not so slow, even if you deserialize each object.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:queries/collections.dart';
import 'json_objects.dart';
void main() {
var text = File('bin/manga.json').readAsStringSync();
var sw = Stopwatch();
var json = jsonDecode(text) as Map<String, dynamic>;
_print('Parsing', sw);
var data = Response1.fromJson(json);
_print('Deserializing', sw);
var query = Dictionary.fromMap(data.chapter)
.where((e) => e.value.langCode == 'gb')
.select((e) => e.value);
_print('Searching', sw, false);
print('Found: ${query.count()} chapter(s)');
for (var chapter in query.asIterable()) {
print('Lang code: ${chapter.langCode}');
void _print(String text, Stopwatch sw, [bool restart = true]) {
print('$text: ${sw.elapsedMilliseconds / 1000} sec');
if (restart) {
Parsing: 0.044 sec
Deserializing: 0.013 sec
Searching: 0.008 sec
Found: 1360 chapter(s)
Lang code: gb
JSON data models:
class Response1 {
final Map<String, Response1Chapter> chapter;
final Response1Manga manga;
final String status;
Response1({this.chapter, this.manga, this.status});
factory Response1.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return Response1(
_toObjectMap(json['chapter'], (e) => Response1Chapter.fromJson(e)),
manga: _toObject(json['manga'], (e) => Response1Manga.fromJson(e)),
status: json['status'] as String,
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return {
'chapter': _fromMap(chapter, (e) => e.toJson()),
'manga': manga?.toJson(),
'status': status,
class Response1Chapter {
final String chapter;
final int groupId;
final int groupId2;
final int groupId3;
final String groupName;
final Object groupName2;
final Object groupName3;
final String langCode;
final int timestamp;
final String title;
final String volume;
factory Response1Chapter.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return Response1Chapter(
chapter: json['chapter'] as String,
groupId: json['group_id'] as int,
groupId2: json['group_id_2'] as int,
groupId3: json['group_id_3'] as int,
groupName: json['group_name'] as String,
groupName2: json['group_name_2'],
groupName3: json['group_name_3'],
langCode: json['lang_code'] as String,
timestamp: json['timestamp'] as int,
title: json['title'] as String,
volume: json['volume'] as String,
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return {
'chapter': chapter,
'group_id': groupId,
'group_id_2': groupId2,
'group_id_3': groupId3,
'group_name': groupName,
'group_name_2': groupName2,
'group_name_3': groupName3,
'lang_code': langCode,
'timestamp': timestamp,
'title': title,
'volume': volume,
class Response1Manga {
final String artist;
final String author;
final String coverUrl;
final String description;
final List<int> genres;
final int hentai;
final String langFlag;
final String langName;
final String lastChapter;
final Response1MangaLinks links;
final int status;
final String title;
factory Response1Manga.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return Response1Manga(
artist: json['artist'] as String,
author: json['author'] as String,
coverUrl: json['cover_url'] as String,
description: json['description'] as String,
genres: _toList(json['genres'], (e) => e as int),
hentai: json['hentai'] as int,
langFlag: json['lang_flag'] as String,
langName: json['lang_name'] as String,
lastChapter: json['last_chapter'] as String,
links: _toObject(json['links'], (e) => Response1MangaLinks.fromJson(e)),
status: json['status'] as int,
title: json['title'] as String,
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return {
'artist': artist,
'author': author,
'cover_url': coverUrl,
'description': description,
'genres': _fromList(genres, (e) => e),
'hentai': hentai,
'lang_flag': langFlag,
'lang_name': langName,
'last_chapter': lastChapter,
'links': links?.toJson(),
'status': status,
'title': title,
class Response1MangaLinks {
final String amz;
final String cdj;
final String ebj;
final String engtl;
final String mal;
final String mu;
final String raw;
{this.amz, this.cdj, this.ebj, this.engtl, this.mal, this.mu, this.raw});
factory Response1MangaLinks.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return Response1MangaLinks(
amz: json['amz'] as String,
cdj: json['cdj'] as String,
ebj: json['ebj'] as String,
engtl: json['engtl'] as String,
mal: json['mal'] as String,
mu: json['mu'] as String,
raw: json['raw'] as String,
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return {
'amz': amz,
'cdj': cdj,
'ebj': ebj,
'engtl': engtl,
'mal': mal,
'mu': mu,
'raw': raw,
List _fromList(data, Function(dynamic) toJson) {
if (data == null) {
return null;
var result = [];
for (var element in data) {
var value;
if (element != null) {
value = toJson(element);
return result;
Map<K, V> _fromMap<K, V>(data, V Function(dynamic) toJson) {
if (data == null) {
return null;
var result = <K, V>{};
for (var key in data.keys) {
V value;
var element = data[key];
if (element != null) {
value = toJson(element);
result[key as K] = value;
return result;
List<T> _toList<T>(data, T Function(dynamic) fromJson) {
if (data == null) {
return null;
var result = <T>[];
for (var element in data) {
T value;
if (element != null) {
value = fromJson(element);
return result;
T _toObject<T>(data, T Function(Map<String, dynamic>) fromJson) {
if (data == null) {
return null;
return fromJson(data as Map<String, dynamic>);
Map<K, V> _toObjectMap<K, V>(data, V Function(Map<String, dynamic>) fromJson) {
if (data == null) {
return null;
var result = <K, V>{};
for (var key in data.keys) {
V value;
var element = data[key];
if (element != null) {
value = fromJson(element as Map<String, dynamic>);
result[key as K] = value;
return result;
"manga": Response1Manga
"chapter": Map<String, Response1Chapter>
"status": String
"cover_url": String
"description": String
"title": String
"artist": String
"author": String
"status": int
"genres": List<int>
"last_chapter": String
"lang_name": String
"lang_flag": String
"hentai": int
"links": Response1MangaLinks
"mu": String
"amz": String
"cdj": String
"ebj": String
"mal": String
"raw": String
"engtl": String
"volume": String
"chapter": String
"title": String
"lang_code": String
"group_id": int
"group_name": String
"group_id_2": int
"group_name_2": Object
"group_id_3": int
"group_name_3": Object
"timestamp": int