i have defined a function in mainactivity now i want to access with another class in my app.I have created a object of the mainactivity by using that object i have called the function.It is not showing any error but its not executing every time i try to execute the app crashes? any solutions
Activity A should have a variable
static ActivityA activityA;
In onCreate state:
activityA = this;
and add this method:
public static ActivityA getInstance(){
return activityA;
In activity B, call
ActivityA.getInstance().myFunction(); //call myFunction using activityA
You cannot just create objects of Activities by using:
MyActivity activity = new MyActivity();
as you would with normal Java classes. All Activities in Android must go through the Activity lifecycle so that they have a valid context attached to them.
By treating an Activity as a normal Java class, you end up with a null context. As most methods in an Activity are called on its Context, you will get a null pointer exception, which is why your app crashes.
Instead, move all such methods which need to be called from other classes into a Utility class which accepts a valid context in its constructor, and then use that context in the methods to do the work.
Make the variable public and then create object in adapter like this:
public int i; // Variable in Activity class
((ActivityName) context).i // accessing in adapter