My client has setup a GAN account and an App Property for a mobile app we are developing for them. They desire to see the GAN hits in Real-time during testing, but then during production they want to exclude analytic traffic originating from their IP.
Normally they move all their available "views" over to the "Selected Views" column when the app is in production, and their thought was, instead of deleting the filter all together in order to test the app from their IP, they'd just move all the views back to the "Available" views column to essentially "disable" the filter. (see image below)
Based on the fact that our hits aren't showing up on the GAN site from our IP when the filter is configured as per the image below, it seems to me the filter is thinking "Since you aren't applying me to a specific set of views, that means you want the me to apply to all of them"
Is that a correct assumption? I'd try myself but I don't have edit access to their GAN account