I have a module that has some properties. I am using it as below
Var propmodule = require('me-props');
var prop = new propmodule('server');
prop.get('min); //returns 3
prop.get('max') //returns 10
I have to mock this for testing. Did the below code using proxyquire and sinon
var spro = proxyquire('../lib/add.js',{
'me-props' : sinon.stub.returns({
get : sinon.stub.returns({
min :'3',
max : '10
The above code works. But while testing, the get method call returns an object. get(min) returns an object. var a = prop.get() and then a('min') returns 3. But prop.get('min') returns an object.
How can i modify the stub to return the value for the get call?