I started doing development with google scripts few days ago and recently joined stackoverflow. I have a problem with addToFolder() function. I have the following piece of code that copies my new spreadsheet into a folder (test/sheets) in my Google Drive:
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.create("test");
var ssID = ss.getId();
My problem is that now I have 2 versions of the same file (one in the root of my Google Drive folder and the other in test/sheets folder), whenever I try to delete either of the copies, the other copy is deleted as well. Is there a way to delete the old file and keep the new one OR is there a way to create the file in the desired folder in first place?
thanks for you quick response. I played with this for couple of hours but still have problem copying the file to the destination folder. The problem is that even when I use makeCopy Method of the file, still addToFolder is the only option to mention the folder. Again this ends up having the tagged filename in the destination folder.
I had the same problem with the copy method.
Here is my new Code:
var SetLocationFile = "icompare/sheets/stocks"
var FolderID = DocsList.getFolder(SetLocationFile);
var FileID = DocsList.getFileById(ssID);