Most of our customers are American, but after connecting their google calendar with our service we read timeZone=UTC:<ACCSES TOKEN>
"kind": "calendar#calendarList",
"etag": "\"1407366566837000\"",
"nextSyncToken": "00001407366566837000",
"items": [
"kind": "calendar#calendarListEntry",
"etag": "\"1407184723757000\"",
"id": "",
"summary": "",
"timeZone": "UTC",
"colorId": "17",
"backgroundColor": "#9a9cff",
"foregroundColor": "#000000",
"selected": true,
"accessRole": "owner",
"defaultReminders": [
"method": "popup",
"minutes": 30
"notificationSettings": {
"notifications": [
"type": "eventCreation",
"method": "email"
"type": "eventChange",
"method": "email"
"type": "eventCancellation",
"method": "email"
"type": "eventResponse",
"method": "email"
"primary": true
it happens to a lot of users, and we're pretty sure their calendar is actually not set to UTC, but Google consistently returns UTC. Anyone familiar with this problem?