I am using highcharter for my graphs. I have different courses, which I need to draw same graphs for all. I am trying to have a for loop over courses and plot these graphs inside my loop. The problem that it doesnt plot anything inside the loop and it works fine from outside the loop.
for(i in unique(my_data$CourseID)){
courseData<-subset(my_data, my_data$CourseID== i)
#Course by Majer
byMajer <- table(courseData$MajerName)
#barplot(byMajer, main="Students by Majer", xlab="Majers")
byM <- aggregate(courseData$MajerName, by=list(courseData$MajerName), FUN=length)
hc <- highchart(debug = TRUE) %>%
hc_title(text = courseData$CourseName[1]) %>%
hc_chart(type = "column") %>%
hc_xAxis(categories = byM$Group.1) %>%
hc_add_series(data = byM$x)
#this is not working. it shows nothing.
#but if I try to have this, it works, I will use below variables outside the loop
assign(paste("hc",i,sep=""), hc)
#Below graphs showing in the output. I need to get rid of them and use the one inside the loop.
hc1; hc2; hc3; hc4; hc5; hc6; hc7; hc8; hc9; hc10; hc11; hc12; hc13; hc14; hc15; hc16; hc17; hc18