get the requested controller in hook precontroller

2019-07-24 19:52发布


I'm trying to make a simple routing rule to allow only authenticated users to certain controllers.

To achieve this, I would like to run precontroller hook and check if the user is logged in using ci session. However, I have to know which controller the user wants to access. How do I know this in a hook function?



Extend CI_Controller and this should work.


I dont think that hooks are best practice for what you want to achieve here

you may try the following: You need to create middle controller that you will extend instead of CI_Controller that will have authentication check and redirect the user to right controller

read this tutorial created by jondavidjohn step by step

You shoud be able to get the idea after 10 mins


Cant you just put the authentication on the controller constructor ? It will be called when item instantiate and you can do the check there. Also you can always extend the CI_Controller and put the logic in there so that you can do your check in there (and use this->router->fetch_class() as suggested).


If you don't want to go the extended controller route, and I can see your logic there, then you have to use native PHP here because the CI object doesn't exist in the pre_controller_hook.

So, get the URI, then parse it to find the controller:

$segments = explode("/", $uri);

// if you're removing index.php from your urls, then
$controller = $segments[0];

// if you're not removing index.php
$controller = $segments[1];


Extend CI_Controller in your autoload library Class.

Something like this:

class MyAuthLibrary extends CI_Controller {
    var $ci;

    function __construct() {

        $this->ci = &get_instance();
        $route = $this->ci->router->fetch_class();

        if( ($route !== 'login') && !$this->ci->session->userdata('email_address') ) {
