I am trying to make a basic login menu following this mock up :
I decided to put this whole menu into a JPanel so I can switch to another panel once the connexion is successful.
So I decided to use a Borderlayout to have the title in north area and the connect button in the south area .
I made the center of the borderlayout a panel itself . I decided to make it a gridlayout to both have the labels(login,password) but also the textfield in which the user will put his id.
The result is very ugly and very far from what I expected :
Here is the code of the menu :
public class EcranAccueil extends JPanel {
private JLabel labelTitre;
private JPanel PanelConnexion;
private JButton boutonConnexion;
private JLabel labelLogin;
private JLabel labelMotDepasse;
private JTextField loginUser;
private JTextField MotDepasseUser;
EcranAccueil(EcranGestion EcranPrincipale){
PanelConnexion = new JPanel();
this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
PanelConnexion.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,2));
loginUser = new JTextField("User");
loginUser.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(20,20));
loginUser.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(20,20));
MotDepasseUser = new JTextField("Password");
boutonConnexion = new JButton("Connect");
boutonConnexion.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(200,200));
boutonConnexion.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(200,200));
labelTitre= new JLabel("ApplicationName");
labelLogin= new JLabel("Login");
labelMotDepasse = new JLabel("Password");
this.add(labelTitre, BorderLayout.NORTH);
this.add(PanelConnexion, BorderLayout.CENTER);
this.add(boutonConnexion, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
} }
I tried to use a gridboxlayout but I completely failed at using it and it did not compile. Does anyone have advices or suggestion?