I want to create channelpaths in Bigquery on a user level. I want the path to end when a transaction occurs. The next visit will then start a new path. Currently I have one path per user summing all the transactions. See the provided code below. I've also included the current OUTPUT TABLE and the desired OUTPUT TABLE.
My idea would be to create a new column that is counting the transactions. This value would start at 0 and need to be incremented by 1 AFTER a transaction occured. Then I would merge this value with the user_id value and group the aggregated strings on that variable. But I dont know how to do this.
Thanks in advance!
WITH yourTable AS (
SELECT 1 AS user_id,'1a' as visit_id, '2017-01-01 14:10:12' AS DATETIME,
'google cpc' AS channelgrouping, 0 AS transaction , 1 as visit UNION ALL
SELECT 1, '1b', '2017-01-01 20:10:12', 'email', 1, 1 UNION ALL
SELECT 1, '1c','2017-01-03 08:10:12', 'direct', 0, 1 UNION ALL
SELECT 1, '1d','2017-01-04 13:10:14', 'organic', 1, 1
STRING_AGG(channelgrouping, ' > ' ORDER BY DATETIME) AS channelgrouping_path,
SUM(transaction) AS transaction,
SUM(visit) AS visits
FROM yourTable
GROUP BY user_id
user_id|channgelgrouping_path |Transactions|Visits
1 |google cpc > email > direct > organic| 2 | 4
user_id|channgelgrouping_path |Transactions|Visits
1 |google cpc > email | 1 | 2
1 |direct > organic | 1 | 2